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Europe, Page 4

Officina Della Bistecca

It’s more than a meal. It’s an opportunity every meat-eater should consider doing at least once.

Rome and Amsterdam

Eat, drink, recharge, repeat. The only sightseeing we did was on the way to our next meal or while walking one off.

Weekend in London

We went to London one weekend to eat and I highly recommend every researched restaurant we went to.

One Day in Zurich

We had an overnight layover in Zurich. We scoped out a couple of good restaurants including fondue.

Skiing Zermatt

Zermatt is on the border of Italy. The weather was perfect. Clear blue skies and warm spring skiing all week.

New Year’s Eve

The cities that seem to make just about every NYE list: Sydney, Prague, Rio, NYC, Edinburgh, Barcelona, and South Africa.

Top of the World

Monday Mental Escape: On top of the world somewhere along the polar route.


Monday’s Mental Escape: Scotland.