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Top of the World

Monday Mental Escape: On top of the world somewhere along the polar route.

Surfing Hurricanes

Surfers along the east cost of Florida surfing the waves Hurricane Earl sent us in September 2010.


Monday’s Mental Escape: Scotland.

Undisclosed Location

It has been one of those Mondays. Therefore, I mentally escaped to an undisclosed location.


Considering the extremely high temperatures lately, Monday’s Mental Escape is to Jungfraujoch, The Top of Europe.

Puerto Vallarta

In my mind, I’m sitting at Cuates y Cuetes on Los Muertos Beach in Puerto Vallarta waiting for the sun to set.


Some of my favorite photos from January 2009 when we explored Mumbai, Delhi, Agra, Paharsar Village, Neemrana, and Jaipur.


Humanity: All human beings collectively; the human race; humankind.